The most Latvian of holidays – Ligo!

"Ligo!" can be seen as the most Latvian of holidays, with ancient traditions. "Ligo!" is celebrated during the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, but shortest night of the year – from June 23 to 24. The holiday is celebrated by Latvians who sing and dance the night away by large bonfires. The summer solstice festival’s ancient rituals included worshipping the sun and enhancing nature’s fertility.

Latvians have thousands of "Ligo!" themed folk songs that are sung during the holiday each year. Latvians usually begin preparing for the "Ligo!" holidays several days of even weeks before. Men usually begin brewing home-made beer, whilst women start making home made "Ligo!" cheese. Households are always cleaned spotless inside and out before hosting "Ligo!" holiday guests, whilst men always mow the lawn and prepare wood for the "Ligo!" bonfire.

Latvia is rich with breweries, which brew various kinds of beers that are enjoyed during "Ligo!".



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