«airBaltic» - The First Airline to Receive 5-Star Skytrax COVID-19 Safety Rating

Skytrax has awarded Latvian airline airBaltic a five–star COVID-19 safety rating. After performing a thorough audit in December 2020, airBaltic has become the first airline to receive the highest COVID-19 Safety Rating.

Martin Gauss, Chief Executive Officer of airBaltic: “The health and safety of our passengers and employees stand above all. Already since spring we have aligned our operations, introducing dozens of new hygiene and safety procedures to provide reliable and safe services. The audit shows that we have been doing our job very well. We will continue to adjust our procedures and services wherever it may be needed.”

Edward Plaisted of Skytrax: “We are delighted to see airBaltic achieve the highest 5-Star COVID-19 Safety Rating and become the first airline to be certified at this level. They have achieved an excellent standard of health and hygiene safety measures to keep customers and staff safe during the coronavirus pandemic, and this is being applied with a high level of consistency.”

Skytrax is an international air transport rating organisation that launched the COVID-19 Safety Ratings program back in August 2020, covering airlines and airports across the world. The audit focuses solely on the COVID-19 cleanliness, hygiene and safety procedures.

As informed previously, Latvian airline airBaltic has been named as one of the Top twenty airlines for COVID-19 compliance by the safety, product, and COVID-19 rating agency Airlineratings.com. airBaltic has complied with all the criteria thus receiving 7 out of 7 stars.






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