Taste the authentic Lithuania flavours

Gastronomic experiences have become a key component of any trip. An evening in Georgia is unimaginable without a glass of local wine. Italy is famous for its outstanding pizza, while the most emblematic dish in Spain is paella. And it would be simply unforgivable to visit Belgium without trying its chocolate, reputedly the best in the world. So, what enticing flavours can foreign guests expect to discover while visiting Lithuania?

With the help of experts and over 10,000 Lithuanians - who voted in a poll to select the Lithuanian dishes that should be included in a national menu - we have put together a 3-day menu for taste-hunting tourists. The 15 most popular dishes have made it onto the menu and become part of the Lithuanian gastronomic experience. They will take pride of place on the menus of restaurants across Lithuania.

Participating restaurants will be offering the perfect menus for a one-day or three-day visit – these restaurants will be marked with the national menu label. This means that fans of Lithuanian cuisine and food tourists will be able to easily find the perfect places to taste Lithuania’s favourite dishes and drinks. Here’s the full 15-dish menu, which is perfect for a 3-day visit.

More information here:


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