Riga Airport Becomes Environmentally Friendlier

Riga International Airport has received the certificate of the environmental programme Airport Carbon Accreditation for the implementation of first level requirements in the management of greenhouse gas emissions. By earning this certificate, Riga Airport joins those airports in the world that are proactively addressing their carbon emissions.

“Participation in this programme and obtaining of the certificate were among the environmental goals set by Riga Airport at the beginning of 2015. By now we have accumulated the information on the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the airport’s activities and our further steps will be directed towards greater environmental friendliness,” said Andris Liepiņš, chairman of the board of Riga International Airport, “with a view of improving the environmental situation, several projects have been implemented this year, such as transfer of the airport heating system to the use of woodchips as the main fuel and installation of aircraft connections to the electrical network.”

It should be remembered that this autumn Riga Airport also obtained ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System Certificate.

Airport Carbon Accreditation is an independent programme administered by WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, an international consultancy appointed by ACI EUROPE to enforce the accreditation criteria for airports on an annual basis. It is the only institutionally-endorsed, carbon management certification standard for airports.
Airport Carbon Accreditation is empowering their efforts to make further strides in managing, reducing and ultimately neutralising their carbon footprint.

Globally, 138 airports participate in the Programme, 94 of which operate in Europe.

Riga International Airport is the biggest air traffic hub in the Baltic countries. This winter season Riga Airport offers flights to 69 destinations, operated by 21 airlines.




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