BalticTravelnews offers a list of «Top 10 best hotels in the Baltic capitals»

BalticTravelnews compiled a list of Top 10 best hotels in the Baltic capitals based on guest feedback in accommodation booking website*. The gorgeous Kempinski Hotel Cathedral Square in Vilnius (Lithuania) claims the first place, followed by two Latvian hotels. In total, the Top 10 includes four hotels in Tallinn, three in Riga and three – in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius.

1. Kempinski Hotel Cathedral Square (Vilnius), 9,5/10
2. Neiburgs Hotel (Riga), 9,4/10

3. Dome Hotel & Spa (Riga), 9,4/10

4. Hotel Telegraf (Tallinn), 9,3/10
5. Grand Palace Hotel (Riga), 9,3/10
6. Hotel Palace (Tallinn), 9,3/10
7. Schlossle Hotel (Tallinn), 9,3/10
8. Amber Apple Hotel (Vilnius), 9,3/10
9. Shakespeare Boutique Hotel (Vilnius), 9,2/10
10. St Petersbourg Hotel (Tallinn), 9,2/10

* The Top 10 list includes hotels that received at least 40 reviews. If several hotels receive the same rating, the one with the most guest reviews claims the higher position in the list.




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