Commercial cooperation between Air Lituanica and Estonian Air was terminated unilaterally

Airline Air Lituanica is astonished by the communication actions of the Estonian Airline Company Estonian Air, which breach the contract and the principles of partnership, however, it acknowledges that the commercial cooperation between the airlines has discontinued. Since 28 of November the flights to Amsterdam are operated by the Estonian Air, whereas to Berlin, Brussels, Munich, and Prague – by Air Lituanica. The passengers will not incur any inconvenience.

“Following the takeover of the flights from Vilnius to Amsterdam by Estonian Air, the passengers should not have any inconvenience; however, if they have any questions, they can always apply to our customer service center. We have sold 480 tickets to Amsterdam flights and will take care of all our passengers. The passengers, who have acquired tickets through Estonian Air, will be taken care of by the Estonian company, i.e. the Estonian company will guarantee their rights,” – says Erikas Zubrus, CEO of Air Lituanica. Flights to Brussels, Berlin, Munich, and Prague will be performed by Air Lituanica and all services, as till now, will be rendered in accordance with the procedure of this company. The flights will be performed by Air Lituanica aircraft – 86-seat Embraer 175.

According to E. Zubrus, commercial cooperation with Estonian Air discontinued after long negotiations on the contractual provisions, which were not satisfactory for both parties. “Upon unilateral termination of the contract by Estonian Air, they left indebted to us – Air Lituanica – 5.7 million litas for already transported passengers and deposits paid. Such drastic steps of the Estonian company could be the result of that Air Lituanica made Amsterdam flight profitable within a very short period of time – 5 months (its coverage is 75 percent), thus this flight can become an excellent source of income for Estonian Air,” – says E. Zubrus, CEO of Air Lituanica. E. Zubrus adds that Air Lituanica demands the redemption of the debt and, if not, they will apply extreme measures. Also Air Lituanica will aim at performing Amsterdam flight independently.

We would like to remind that in the beginning of activities the Airline Company Air Lituanica has chosen the Estonian Airline Company Estonian Air as its commercial partner. Lithuanian and Estonian airlines have agreed to cooperate in ticket distribution and performance of direct and connecting flights. The airlines cooperated in performing the code-share flights – some Air Lituanica flights had the number of Estonian Air flights. Tickets were available through Estonian Air and Air Lituanica sales channels.

Since 28 of November the tickets to Amsterdam flight will only be available through Estonian Air sales channels, whereas to Berlin, Brussels, Munich, and Prague – through Air Lituanica ticket distribution channels. Irrespective of how the passengers have acquired the flight tickets to Amsterdam, they will all be able to fly, just that they will get Estonian Air services, i.e. the flight will be performed by the aircrafts of the Estonian Airline under the flight number “OV”, services onboard during the flight will be rendered by Estonian Air, they will assume all responsibility for safety of passengers, as well as guarantee their rights.



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