Entry pass to Jūrmala can now be bought also via mobile message system [1]

Starting from this weekend visitors of Jūrmala can buy single entrance passes with the help of mobile message using system Mobilly.

Those who are registered in the system already know the procedure, but new users must register and create the user account. The opening of the account is free of charge, and it can be done with the help of a call to info number 1859 or registering online in http://www.mobilly.lv/.

Mobilly system users must send a message to number 1859 before entering the city, and the message must include:

STARTregistration number of carJ

Afterwards a confirmation message about the payment will be sent to the mobile phone number.

The entry pass can be bought also on the internet site, but be aware that every single entrance pass is valid one hour after it is bought, so one should enter Jūrmala during one hour after confirmation of the payment.

The entry pass fee is 1LVL, and it is also the same when using Mobilly system, and the car can be parked inside the city free of charge everywhere, where it is allowed by the road signs and is in accordance with the traffic regulations. Private parking spaces with parking fees are also available.

The entrances passes can still be bought in special terminals at the entrance of the city, using cash or bank cards. In the Priedaine entrance point three bank card terminals are available, and MasterCard, Maestro, Visa un Visa Electron cards issued by any bank are accepted. This summer three more bank cards terminals will be installed there.



1 n1 07/29/2018 02:52 This shit not working if iam not form LV


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