The City of Vilnius regrets any misunderstanding concerning a photo of Mayor Arturas Zuokas

The City of Vilnius has issued a statement apologizing for any misunderstanding concerning a photo of Mayor Arturas Zuokas riding over an illegally parked car in an armored personnel carrier.

“The City of Vilnius regrets that it did not note in its press release issued on the 2nd of August that one of the passengers in the armored personnel carrier who rode along with Mayor Arturas Zuokas when he crushed an illegally parked car blocking a bike path and pedestrian crosswalk was edited out of an attached photograph. The City photographer who edited out a Swedish guest is a not a journalist and did so without any malice aforethought. A two minute Public Service Announcement video that was subsequently released clearly shows two additional passengers riding along with Mayor Zuokas and participating in the crushing of the illegally parked vehicle,” stated Irma Juskenaite, a spokeswoman for the City of Vilnius.

The event was staged to remind people that cars should heed the rights of pedestrians and bicycle riders and leave those pathways clear. Also, that no one is above the law, no matter how expensive a car they may own.

Erik Estrand and Mackan Edlund of the Swedish program ‘99 Things To Do Before You Die’were the two passengers riding along with Mayor Zuokas to bring home an important message with a sense of humor.




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