Sixteen per cent rise in passenger traffic at RIGA International Airport in January

RIGA continues its strong growth in 2010 welcoming 297 659 passengers or 16 per cent (40 974 passengers) more than in January 2009 when 256 685 passengers were served.

The trend of passenger traffic at RIGA International Airport in January year by year:

Krišjānis Peters, Chairman of the Board of RIGA International Airport, commented on the January results of RIGA International Airport and the industry trends in Europe: „The first month of the year was very successful indeed. The substantial rise in passenger traffic reminds us of the period before the recession in the European and global aviation industry. Although in the last two months the European air traffic performance has stabilised, the results of many airports, including the international airports of the Nordic region, keep falling year on year There is reason to believe that most European airports in the second quarter of 2010 will be able to demonstrate some stabilisation as opposed to last year's heavy fall and to recover the passenger traffic lost in the decline lasting for a year and a half.

Due to this year’s unusually severe winter, January was a difficult and challenging month for many European airports. Weather conditions caused serious problems for airport operators further aggravating the situation that already was not easy for the European aviation industry. At RIGA International Airport the growth in January 2010 was achieved by punctual management of operations, timely preparation for the severe winter and professional work of our staff.”

In January 2010 the airport handled 4 851 aircrafts or 6.9 per cent more than in January 2009 (4 540 aircrafts).

In the first month of this year 825 tonnes of various cargo were handled or 34.7 per cent up from the previous year’s result for the corresponding month (613 t).




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