Estonian Air passenger number increases 9.9% in the first seven months

In the first seven month of 2008, Estonian Air carried altogether 445706 passengers out of which 405844 on regular flights. The total number of passengers increased 9.9%

y-o-y, on regular flights 12.3%, while Tallinn Airport passenger numbers increased by 11.2% and 7.6% respectively.

In July Estonian Air carried 71076 passengers, out of which 66 266 on regular flights. The number of passengers on regular flights increased 3.2% while the total number of passengers degreased 5.1% y-o-y, mainly due to a drop in charter operations.

In the first seven months of the year the market share of Estonian Air in the regular flights segment at Tallinn Airport was 45%, which is 3 percentage points higher than y-o-y. The overall market share (regular and charter flights) was 42%, which is 1 percentage point higher than y-o-y.

„In the first half of the year the demand for air travel was high, but the economic recession and the overall price increase in latest months have significantly decelerated the growth of passenger number. The decreasing number of incoming tourists also has an impact,” explained Andrus Aljas, Estonian Air President and CEO. „According to prognoses, the numbers remain modest also in the coming months“, added A. Aljas.

Estonian Air operated 7 293 flights in the first seven months of the year, which is 39% more flights y-o-y. In July 996 flights were operated, which is 20% more flights y-o-y.

The regularity of Estonian Air in the first seven months was 98.9% and the 15-minute punctuality was 84.9%. In July the regularity and the punctuality were 99.6% and 84.9% respectively.

The fastest-growing destinations in the fist 7 months of 2008 were Moscow with a 28% growth y-o-y, followed by Kiev and Oslo where the number of passengers grew by 11% and 7% y-o-y.

Estonian Air, Estonia’s national carrier, is offering non-stop flights from the Estonian capital, Tallinn throughout Europe: Barcelona, Brussels, Copenhagen, Dublin, Dubrovnik, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Helsinki, Kiev, London, Milan, Minsk, Moscow, Munich, Oslo, Paris, Rome, Simferopol, Stockholm, Vienna and Vilnius – altogether to 21 destinations, and from Kuressaare to Stockholm.

Estonian Air carried 745 600 passengers in 2007.

Estonian Air is owned by SAS Group, the State of Estonia and the Estonian investment bank Cresco.



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