Author: Jānis Pēteris Bērziņš
The offer and news posting system is one of the most valuable products of (LAT) and (ENG), actively used by all partners. It provides an opportunity to become content creators for the portal, and do so independently, without intermediaries and editorial approval!
Portal readers receive information daily from two streams:
1. One stream of information is provided by the editorial team, which selects, prepares, and publishes 19 news items every working day.
2. The other stream of information is created by partners who log into the portal with access codes and independently publish commercial and other types of announcements, informing readers about their news and directing potential clients from or to their own resources (websites, social media).

On a Baltic scale, the and partnership project is unique in the media environment, allowing partners to publish relevant commercial and daily announcements for portal readers 24/7 without coordination and intermediaries - travel offers, advertisements, events, and other updates. Partners appreciate that the preparation of offers, unlike the placement of banner ads, is quick, cheap, and yields immediate results.
20 Things to Know:
1. On the publication day, the partner's offer appears on the portal's homepage (desktop version) or among articles (mobile version).
2. On the portal's desktop version homepage, editorial news and partner offers alternate in a set structure – 5 editorial news items and 3 partner offers under "PARTNER OFFERS," forming a total of 25 editorial news items and 15 partner offers on the homepage.
3. In the mobile version of the portal, daily offers are placed among editorial articles, while all others are in the "OFFERS" menu and below all articles.
4. Each partner has access codes to register on the portal -
5. To publish an offer, a high-quality JPG image of 600x400 px, a concise title, a brief description, and a link to your website are required.
6. In the system menus, you can choose the location of the offer – the Latvian version on or the English version on
7. The first to make a day's reservation gets their offer shown first on the portal.
8. On the publication day (weekdays), offers are sent out in the news and offer newsletter to over 3100 email subscribers in the morning.
9. A partner can maintain multiple active offers in our system at the same time, with a maximum validity of 2 months (60 days).
10. Each partner can post one offer for a specific day, but if the desired day is already reserved with 15 other partner offers, a day with available slots must be chosen.
11. Each day, 15 offer reservations are available to all partners.
12. All offers can be reserved at once for several days or weeks in advance.
13. The published offer is active for the entire scheduled period and automatically "sticks" to our editorial articles.
14. All current offers can be viewed together at the top of the homepage by clicking the "Offers" button in the management tools.
15. Identical offers may be blocked by our system, so we encourage creating unique offers.
16. Experienced partners have learned to disseminate information through offers that is of interest to small groups, such as news about a city school chess championship or a new job offer.
17. A partner only publishes offers directly related to their management or product.
18. It is strictly forbidden to share system access codes with third parties; if this happens, immediately inform ([email protected] or +37126154261).
19. The system shows each partner the number of impressions for each offer in real time. On average, an offer is displayed at least 5000 times per day.
20. The most popular offers of the week can be viewed on the right side of the homepage (desktop version) under "MOST POPULAR OFFERS" (indicated by a green arrow in the image).
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