In 2023, the number of domestic trips has remained unchanged

The data of the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) show that in 2023 Latvian residents went on 9.3 million same-day and overnight trips in Latvia, which is 0.3 % fewer than in 2022, and spent EUR 429.4 million, 5.9 % more.

Although the overall activity of residents both in trips around Latvia and abroad has not yet reached the pre-pandemic level, in 2023 it can be observed that choice of residents to go on overnight trips both around Latvia and abroad exceeds the number of trips in 2019 before the pandemic.

The number of same-day trips around Latvia still smaller than before the pandemic
In 2023, Latvian residents went on 6.4 million same-day trips around Latvia, 1.6 % fewer than a year ago and 19.6 % fewer than before the pandemic in 2019. Mostly residents went on recreational or other personal trips (96.4 %), business trips comprised only 3.6 %.

Mostly residents went to Riga, which comprised 1 million trips or 15.7 % of all same-day trips. Destination of 29.9 % of all trips made by residents was Pieriga region, where the most popular destinations were Jūrmala (7 %), and the following municipalities – Sigulda (5 %), Tukums (4.1 %), Ogre (3.5 %), Limbaži (3.1 %), Saulkrasti (1.8 %), Ķekava (1.5 %) and Ādaži (1.3 %).

15 % of trips were made to Kurzeme, where the most popular destinations were Talsi (3.3 %) and Kuldīga (2.7 %) municipalities, Liepāja (2.5 %), Ventspils (2.2 %) and Dienvidkurzeme municipality (2.1 %). Trips to Vidzeme comprised 14.6 %, where the most popular destinations were Cēsis (4.6 %), Valmiera (4.1 %), Madona (1.7 %) and Alūksne (1.6 %) municipalities. 13 % of trips were made to Zemgale, where the most popular destinations were Jelgava (2.9 %), and the following municipalities – Dobele (2.8 %), Bauska (2.2 %), Jēkabpils, Jelgava and Aizkraukle (1.7 %). In turn, 11.8 % were made to Latgale, where the most popular destinations were Rēzekne (2.5 %), Daugavpils (2 %), and the following municipalities – Rēzekne (1.7 %), Preiļi (1.3 %) and Krāslava (1.2 %).

In total EUR 214.8 million were spent in same-day trips, which is 1 % more than a year ago. Most of the money was spent on transport (33.2 %), purchases (23.5 %), catering services (19.5 %), entertainment and cultural activities (9 %) and other expenses (14.8 %). Average daily expenditure of a same-day trip comprised EUR 33.8, which is EUR 0.9 more than in 2022.
Women (54.6 %), residents aged 35-44 (20.3 %), residents with secondary education (46.4 %) and employed (69.2 %) mostly went on the same-day trips around Latvia.

Number of overnight trips around Latvia larger than before the pandemic
The number of overnight trips around Latvia amounted to 2.9 million last year, which is 2.8 % more than a year ago and 16.2 % more than before the pandemic in 2019. Riga retained the status of the most popular destination last year, its share increased by 1.2 percentage points and comprised 8.8 %. Most popular region destination the same as in same-day trips was Pierīga – 26.5 %, followed by Kurzeme (20.3 %), Vidzeme (16.7 %), Latgale (17.1 %) and Zemgale (10.7 %).

After Riga the most often visited places were Liepāja (6.1 %), and the following municipalities – Limbaži (4.8 %), Saulkrasti and Cēsis (4.4 %), Madona (3.8 %) and Ogre (3.5 %). They were followed by Ventspils (3.3 %), and the following municipalities – Tukums (3 %), Preiļi, Aizkraukle and Valmiera (2.9 %) and Talsi (2.8 %). After that was Daugavpils and Jūrmala (2,7 %), and the following municipalities – Rēzekne and Dobele (2.5 %).

The most frequent purpose for overnight trips made by residents was visiting relatives and friends – 56.7 %, which was followed by recreational (36 %), other personal (5.5 %) and business trips (1.8 %).

Last year passenger car or motorcycle was used in 87.3 % of trips, 8.5 % of trips were made by bus and 4.2 % – by other mode of transport or movement.

In domestic tourism trips personal means of transport were used the most, therefore only 12.9 % of trips required buying a ticket for the transport, which mostly or in 86.2 % was bought in person at ticket offices or in a vehicle, and 13.8% of trips – using internet booking systems, for example, Pasažieru vilciens website or the application, mobilly, etc.

In total 7 million nights were spent in domestic tourism trips in 2023, which is 2.3 % fewer than a year ago. The most frequently used accommodation was dwelling of relatives or friends (58.6% of trips). Staying in hotels and similar accommodations was chosen by 14.2 % of travellers, summer cottages or second homes – by 15.1 %.

Last year, 53.5 % of trips with nights spent in rented accommodation were booked with a service provider, while in 46.5 % of trips – using services of tour operators or travel agents, including collaborative economy platforms (e.g., AirBnB, etc.). Out of all reservations needed 55.7 % were made using automatic online booking systems or digital platforms.

Average length of a stay during the trip was 2.4 days – 0.1 days fewer than in 2022. Average of 2.3 days were spent in rented accommodation, in non-rented accommodation – 2.4 days.

Expenditure on overnight trips reached EUR 214.6 million last year, which is 11.2 % more than in 2022. Most of the money was spent on transport (26.8 %), accommodation (21.4 %), catering services (16.8 %), entertainment and cultural activities (5.1 %) and other expenses (29.9 %).

Average expenditure on domestic overnight trips comprised EUR 73.8 last year, increasing by EUR 5.6 as compared to the previous year. Average expenditures per night comprised EUR 30.5, which is EUR 3.7 more than in 2022. Average daily expenditure when staying in rented accommodation comprised EUR 65.4, while staying in non-rented accommodation – EUR 20.1.

Latvian residents aged 15–64 on average spent during the trip EUR 73.3, spent 2.2 nights during the trip and their daily expenditure comprised EUR 33.2. Seniors aged over 65 on average spent during the trip EUR 77.3, spent 3.9 nights during the trip and their daily expenditure was significantly smaller EUR – 19.9.

Women (53.8 %), residents aged 25–34 (23.2 %), residents with higher education (53.1 %) and employed (75.8 %) mostly went on overnight domestic tourism trips.




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