Concert Hall «Latvija» and Theatre House «Jūras vārti» in April

The Concert Hall “Latvija” and the Theatre House “Jūras vārti” invite you to various genre and style concerts, theatre and dance performances in April, allowing visitors to enjoy both local artists and prominent guests from abroad.

The April repertoire will start with Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 2, which will be performed by the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, the State Academic Choir “Latvija”, Zanda Švēde (mezzo-soprano), and Perrine Madoeuf (soprano) on Sunday, 7 April, at 18:00 in the Concert Hall “Latvija”. Conductor – Tarmo Peltokoski.

On Wednesday, 10 April, at 13:00, the Theatre House “Jūras vārti” will be expecting the young spectators to the Latvian Puppet Theatre Performance “Gangsteromīte” (Gangsta Granny) which is an adaptation of the popular novel by David Walliams (dramatized by Luke Joseph Welsh).

Two days later, on Friday, 12 April, at 19:00, the Concert Hall “Latvija” will hold another concert from the concert series “Jam with the Ventspils Big Band”, with the Dutch trombonist, arranger, and composer Ilja Reijngoud, as well as singer Ance Jankovska as special guests.

On Sunday, 14 April, at 18:00, a new and unusual programme of spiritual music titled “Mūžīgā gaisma” (Eternal Light) will be performed in the Concert Hall “Latvija” by internationally acclaimed Latvian tenor Aleksandrs Antoņenko and the chamber choir “Blagovest”. The concert will also feature Larisa Carjkova (organ), Uģis Krišjānis (piano), Edgars Saksons, as well as Uģis and Ivo (percussion instruments). Conductors – Aleksandrs Brandavs and Jānis Kokins.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, 20 April, at 17:00, the Concert Hall “Latvija” will be filled with the magic and charm of Eastern music. This time, the audience will be addressed by the internationally recognised multi-instrumental duo “The Ayoub Sisters”, consisting of sisters Sarah and Laura Ayoub. They will perform alongside musicians from the “Arabic Quartet” during the concert in Ventspils.

Later the same day at 18:00, the Theatre House “Jūras vārti” will be hosting a folk-dance concert titled “Es un mēs” (I and Us), where dancers from the folk-dance ensembles “Dancis”, “Gatve”, “Liesma” and “Vaduguns” from Liepāja will give performances alongside the middle generation folk-dance ensemble “Strautuguns” of the Ventspils Cultural Centre and Ventspils University of Applied Sciences.

On Sunday, 21 April, at 17:00, the Operetta Theatre will be performing a multimedial musical “Mežrozīte” (Wild Rose) with the music by Raimonds Pauls in the Theatre House “Jūras vārti”. The performers include Dainis Skutelis, Dināra Rudāne, Jolanta Strikaite, Anastasija Dolgoņenko, Kārlis Rūtentāls, and others.

On Tuesday, 23 April, at 19:00, the Daile Theatre actors will take the stage of the Theatre House “Jūras vārti”, this time performing the play “Izrāde, kas saiet sviestā” (The Play That Goes Wrong) by Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, and Henry Shields. Moreover, the production has been created under the direction of Amy Milburn, who also staged the original version at London’s Mischief Theatre.

On Friday, 26 April, at 19:00, the Concert Hall “Latvija” invites you to an inspiring “Spring Concert”, where alongside the Ventspils Chamber Orchestra and the mixed choir “Ventspils”, you will hear performances by Mārtiņš Zilberts (piano), Aigars Reinis (organ), Kaspars Zemītis (guitar), and Ivars Ozols (bass guitar). Conductor – Aigars Meri. The “Spring Concert” will feature the Alfred Schnittke’s Concerto for Piano and Strings and “Three Sacred Hymns”, Concerto for Organ and Chamber Orchestra Concerto Triptych by Marģers Zariņš, as well as two true gems of Romantic choral music – Anton Bruckner’s motet “Os justi” and Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s “100th Psalm”. Concert host – Liene Jakovļeva.

The concluding events of the month will be hosted at the Theatre House “Jūras vārti”.

On Sunday, 27 April, at 18:00, the Theatre House will hold the 60th birthday concert of Ingus Ulmanis titled “Kā man laiku apvaldīt?” (How to Tame Time?). Joining the jubilee on stage will be none other than the legendary band “Lādezers”.

Meanwhile, on Monday, 29 April, at 19:00, all enthusiasts of the most passionate dance – tango – are welcomed. The Argentine tango dance company “Marcos Ajala Tango” will present their performance “Tango ēnās” (In the Shadows of Tango).

The art exhibition “Baletomānija” (Balletomania) by Arnis Martinelli and the drawing exhibition “Teātris bildēs” (Theatre in Pictures) by Vilis Daudziņš will be on display in the exhibition halls at the Theatre House “Jūras vārti” throughout the entire month.

Tickets to events can be purchased at the box offices of the Theatre House “Jūras vārti” and the Concert Hall “Latvija”, as well as other sales points of “Biļešu paradīze” and online at

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