airBaltic Training recruiting technicians for work in Liepaja

Liepaja. Last year airBaltic Training opened the first Diamond Aircraft DA40 and DA42 aircraft service centre in the Baltics and now has launched recruitment of additional technical staff.

Kristaps Lapsa, airBaltic Training executive director: “We are actively addressing potential clients in the Baltics and Scandinavia, and we expect that the service centre workload will increase this summer. The company currently employs five technicians in Liepaja and continues to create new and highly qualified jobs.”

airBaltic Training has the rights to perform guarantee and post-guarantee service of Diamond Aircraft DA40 and DA42, as well as to provide manufacturer’s guarantee service.

More information about job opportunities at airBaltic and its subsidiaries is available on the website

airBaltic Pilot Academy has launched enrolment of new student groups for 2021. Additional information on enrolment is available on the website



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