Estonians invite Europe to dance the tough times away (video)

When things get difficult one can react in very different ways. A tiny European nation that has gone through a challenging past knows better than many that complaining won't get you very far, but getting creative just might. 

2020 has not been an easy one for any of us. That's why Estonia initiated a TikTok dance challenge - to end this year and begin 2021, with a synergy that we can only create together. A synergy that makes the tough times go away.

At the end of 80s Estonia had an independence movement known as the singing revolution with hundreds of thousands of Estonians gathering publicly to sing patriotic songs. This tradition is still very much alive, gathering generations from grandparents to grandchildren to sing or dance on a massive stage together with a hundred thousand other people every four years. The next Song and Dance Celebrations take place in 2022 for youth and 2024 for all ages. Estonia was also the beginning point of the Baltic Way where two million people held hands through 3 countries to form a human chain. So Estonians know how powerful it can be to do something that unites people through positive actions.

The new generation of Estonians has grown up in an independent and forward-looking country. Although 2020 can't be compared to the tough times Estonia has seen, it's been the most challenging one that our youth can recall. Turning back to the roots, there is only one thing to be done, something that unifies people across nations and can lift us all up - dance. 

Estonians have always had a spiritual connection with their environment and old customs. To combine our most beloved folk dance called Kaerajaan with a modern twist, internationally famous Estonian artist NOËP and a group of dancers from JJ-Street Dance Company, only magic can happen. Give it up for #kaerajaaning

How to dance the tough times away? 
  • Go to the best-known landmark or an attraction in your region and dance! 
  • Use the #kaerajaaning music and dance moves from @visitestonia account on TikTok. 
  • Post the dance to TikTok or other social media channel with the hashtags #kaerajaaning #visitestonia
  • The more dances there are, the greater the synergy! 
  • Need music to practice? Download it here.
This project is supported by the European Union European Regional Development Fund. 

Follow Visit Estonia on TikTok and dance along!



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