Ventspils is celebrating «City festival 700+30»

The festivities in Ventspils are scheduled from July 31 to August 2 with the main events on August 1.

The festivities are planned in several places in the city - in the Big Square, Reņķa Garden, Old Town Market Square, Town Hall Square, Seaside Open-Air Museum and elsewhere. At the culmination of the event, after the evening concert in Reņķa Garden, a film "Ventspils 700 + 30" will be shown, followed by a speech by the Chairman of the City Council Aivars Lembergs. At the end of the program there will be a grand festive fireworks display in several places in the city at the same time.

Both day and evening concerts in Reņķa Garden and the speech of the Chairman of the City Council and fireworks will be broadcast live on LED screens in Reņķa Garden and the Big Square, as well as on the Internet..

Available for download here: Ventspils City festival programme ENG

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