Enjoy a scenic cycling route in the nearby areas of Valmiera

At a time when blooming spring and warm sun rays encourage you to go outdoors, the Valmiera Tourism information center in cooperation with the Beverīna county municipality has marked the whole scenic "Puspedālis" route of the beloved bicycle and film festival "Kinopedālis" from 2019. It leads along the landscapes of Valmiera and Beverīna counties for almost 25 kilometers.

The route is circular, and it is designed in the direction from Valmiera Tourism information center (Rīgas street 10) along the Gaujmala through the Pauku pines, reaching a loving place where Abuls flows into the Gauja. During the trip, it will also be possible to cross the footbridge across the Abula river, so it is recommended to take the route in the period from April to October. From late autumn to early spring, the footbridge over the Abula river is removed. Then the route leads along forest paths to the recreation center "Baiļi", and returns to Valmiera.

Lovers of an active lifestyle will be able to enjoy not only peaceful nature, scenic views or greet a cyclist on the way, but also go past the house where the famous walker Jānis Daliņš lived, stop at Kālīte spring or take a breath in Brenguļi beer garden, see the "Trees of Happiness" in Beverīna county and glance from the other bank of the Gauja to the sightseeing terrace in the Recreation Park.

The route marking is in the form of a triangle with a white outer edge and a green inside, where the apex of the triangle indicates the direction in which to go. The label is painted in an environmentally friendly way on the wood, as well as on the information boards or stickers on the poles.

The road surface of the bicycle route alternaties between asphalt, forest and gravel roads.

The GPX file of the route available for download here.

Find other walking, hiking and cycling routes in Valmiera, Beverīna, Burtnieki and Kocēni regions here.



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