The Riga-Gauja region - European region of gastronomy 2017

In 2017 the Riga-Gauja region will bear the tittle of European Region of Gastronomy. 

The main goals of the European Region of Gastronomy are to preserve the gastronomic traditions and the variety of local cuisine, to use local products and to promote The Gauja National Park as a tourism destination by showing how rich and unique it is. 

Tourism isn’t just picturesque landscapes and nicely equipped leisure sites. It also includes experiencing local flavours. Therefore, the Riga-Gauja gastronomy region was created, through which four local governments – Rīga, Sigulda, Cēsis and Valmiera – cooperate with local producers to popularize gastronomy tourism in region. 

The slogan – “Wild at Palate” – has been chosen to remind of the gastronomic variety of the region. With it everyone is invited to learn about various aspects of gastronomy tourism by looking into and enjoying the taste of nature in Latvia and by getting familiar with country, starting from places where the nature treasures grow or live and until these natural goods get processed and delivered to the consumer. 

The partners of the Riga-Gauja region have developed a guide and a homepage (, where everyone interested can follow up the event schedule to find the most appealing ones for themselves. In the event schedule you will find truly exciting events, such as the gastronomy film festival, the restaurant weeks, various seminars about medical herbs and so on. 




Valmieras novada Tūrisma pārvalde

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