Flights from Stockholm to Vilnius 10 times per week

“Air Lituanica is already known name to Swedish aviators. A flight to the capital is always “a diamond in the crown”, after all, Stockholm and the surrounding region have the largest concentration of people, business, cultural and historical objects”, Eitvydas Bajarūnas, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to the Kingdom of Sweden, welcomes the new route. “Lithuania did not have direct flights to Sweden for a long time and the country’s accessibility is one of the main criteria when choosing the place for investments, search of new business partners or planning your weekend destination. Sweden is a very important partner in Lithuania’s economic development, therefore constant attention should be paid to the accessibility of this country.” According to him, mutual tourism potential has not been exploited yet, although the annual growth of Swedish tourists is visible in Lithuania.

According to Air Lituanica Chief Commerce Office Simonas Bartkus, Air Lituanica keeps its promises – it offers the most convenient business trips. “People travelling from Vilnius to Stockholm usually go to the very centre of the city, therefore flights to Bromma airport would make it possible to reach the centre of the city faster. In addition, we will offer convenient flight times for passengers”, considers Mr. Bartkus.

From Monday to Thursday flights will be operated in the mornings and evenings, while on Friday and Sunday - only in the evening. Departure time from Vilnius on Monday and Thursday will be at 07:50 a.m. and from Stockholm at 09:00 a.m.; on Tuesday and Wednesday from Vilnius at 08:15 a.m. and from Stockholm at 09:25 a.m. Evening flights from Vilnius from Monday to Friday and on Sunday will be operated at 05:35 p.m. and from Stockholm at 06:45 p.m. Flight duration is 1 hour 45 min. Bromma airport is just 8-9 km from the city centre.

During summer season Air Lituanica already operated flights from Vilnius to two Swedish cities: Göteborg and Malmö. The flights were operated from mid-June to the end of August, with 2 evening flights per week on both routes. The company is planning to strengthen connection with Sweden next summer.

Tickets to Stockholm Bromma airport are already available; ticket fares start from LTL 169 / EUR 48.95. Tickets can be purchased on Air Lituanica website or via other flight search engines and travel agencies.




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