Sixt offers recommendations for successful car rental for winter holidays

The survey has shown that when renting a car for winter holidays abroad, more than a third ( 38%) from those Latvian citizens who have rented a car has faced some kind of difficulties. In 18% of cases the rented car did not have the needed equipment and 12% of respondents had indicated that they got different car instead of the car reserved. Similarly the research data has shown that 8% of the respondents were disappointed because they were not informed about the guaranty deposit as well as 5% who indicated the limited car choosing possibilities.

“When planning the winter holidays abroad, people often leave choosing the vehicle for the time when the desired destination has already been reached. Our research shows that more than a third of holidaymakers who have rented a car for winter holidays abroad at least once have had some kind of difficulties. Mainly the problems appear because of the delayed reservation and not reading the rental terms and conditions properly. To avoid the unpleasant situations on holidays Sixt invites to make a timely reservation on the internet or chosen travel agency and get acquainted with the rental terms and conditions, “Arnis Jaudzems, Sixt manager in Baltic States points out.

  • Make a timely car reservation for winter holidays; it will save your time and money. The more in advance you make your reservation, the less you pay. Reserve your car at the same time when you make your flight reservations and you will know the price you have to consider, when if you pick the car at the rental station you may have to overpay;
  • Choose international car rental companies, who is also represented in Latvia, so in case of any difficulties abroad you can contact the car rental representatives in Latvia and receive the necessary help in Latvian and Russian;
  • Reserve the car on the internet or the travel agency – this way you will get the best price for the chosen car. When comparing the prices, check if everything you need – insurance, GPS, additional driver etc. Is included. If not – it is possible that you will overpay, when you will purchase these services at the destination;
  • Carefully think over your car choice – whether you are going away with your friends or family, make sure that there will be enough space for the passengers and equipment so the journey is comfortable and safe;
  • When making the reservation, make sure that you have indicated all the necessary extra equipment. The extra equipment means ski/ board roof rack, GPS navigation, child seat, snow chains and other equipment, which is not included in the standard rental price. Even if you are going to glaciers, do not take for granted that the snow chains will be included in the offer;
  • Please remember that for the payment you need a valid credit card. Also remember to reserve the money for the deposit, mentioned in terms and conditions. Its amount depends on the chosen rent a car and the chosen car;
  • When reserving a car, you anticipate that you will be able to choose a car of definite model and make, however please take into the consideration that in most cases the rental agreement states that you are making reservation for the vehicle class not for a particular model or make of the car. If you wish to receive a particular car, we advise you to indicate it in the comments, when making the reservation. It will be taken into account within the limits.
  • When receiving the car, please check if it has the winter tyres, because in most of the European countries, they are not obligatory.
  • Please indicate the chosen self risk. For your safety we advise you to choose the 0% self risk, it will make the rental slightly more expensive but at the same time you will avoid the risk of getting an invoice for a few hundreds of Euros even for small damages of the car.

For winter holidays abroad to ski or relax has gone in average 17% of respondents -21% male and 13% female. Car rental experience has more than a half of respondents or 52% who have had a winter holiday, to be precise.

Sixt survey was done from 21.11.2011 to 27.11.2011. 934 respondents from the age of 18 to 74 were surveyed.

About Sixt

Sixt is the leading mobility services provider in Europe, which was founded in 1912, in Munich, Germany. At present Sixt is available in more than 100 countries and 4000 stations all over the globe. Sixt provides the rent a car, full service leasing, fleet management and consultation services, being the leader of the technology innovations in the spheres. More about the company: .

About Sixt Latvia

Sixt Latvia began its activity in June, 2010 when fleet management company Transporent became the official franchise partner of Sixt rent a car and Sixt Leasing in Baltic States. The company for more than eight years provides the rent a car and leasing services, services and consults the major company fleets as well as the companies with the small fleets. At present the company offers for rent in Baltic States more than 170 BMW, Mercedes, VW, Toyota, Ford, Opel and other leading car manufacturer cars, not older than 2 years. SIXT rent a car stations are located in all capitals of Baltic’s- Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius as well as the airports of these cities.





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