airBaltic Carries 45% More Passengers in September

During September 2022, the Latvian airline airBaltic has carried 338 100 passengers or by 45% more than during the same period last year. In September 2022, airBaltic performed 3 420 flights – by 15% more than in September 2021.

Martin Gauss, President and CEO of airBaltic: “Although the average number of passengers carried in autumn tend to decrease, this year, we still observe positive trends, which consistently confirm the growing demand for our services.”

“Currently, we are living in a favorable situation, where the presence of the pandemic does not limit the possibilities to travel. Thus, airBaltic is ready for the upcoming winter season with an attractive list of leisure destinations by offering both sunny beaches and snowy mountains. At the same time, the core goal remains the same – we continue to strengthen our position in the Baltic market,” Martin Gauss added.

Number of passengers 338 100 (September, 2022) 232 900 (September, 2021) +45%
Number of flights 3 420 (September, 2022) 2 980 (September, 2021) +15%

airBaltic continues to offer the best connectivity to and from Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius as well as Tampere, connecting them with leading European business centres and transit hubs. A complete schedule of airBaltic flights and tickets are available on the company's homepage at




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