Best restaurants in Lithuania have been announced

The list of 30 Best Restaurants in Lithuania was announced on the 5th of July by the Academy of Good Food (Gero maisto akademija). The best restaurant in the country this year – the restaurant in Vilnius "Stebuklai"(Miracles), chef Martynas Praškevičius.

TOP 30:

30. Salvete city (Vilnius) – chef Antonio Serra. Modern Italian cuisine

29. Brasserie de Verres en vers (Vilnius) – chef Gediminas Andriuškevičius. French cuisine

28. Šiaures jūra (Vilnius) – chef Donatas Dabrovolskas. Fish and seefood

27. La Provence (Vilnius) – chef Arūnas Oželis. Mediterranean cuisine

26. Bistro 18 (Vilnius) – chef Saulius Taučius. European classical cuisine

25. Palanga SPA luxury (Palanga)

24. Nerija (Nida) – chef Jonas Bilotas. European cuisine

23. DIA (Kaunas) – chef Algirdas Matačiūnas. World cuisine

22. Stikliai  (Vilnius) – chef Linas Bražinskas. European cuisine with Lithuanian cuisine

21. Da Antonio  (Vilnius) – chef Dmitrij Babenko. Modern Italian cuisine

20. Imperial  (Vilnius) – chef Aldona Gečienė. Italian and French cuisine inspired by modern American cuisine

19. Time  (Vilnius) – chef Andrius Kubilius. Creative cuisine

18. Meat  (Vilnius) – chef Indrė Medeliauskaitė. Meet restaurant

17. Telegrafas  (Vilnius) – chef Javier Lopez. Modern European cuisine

16. Uoksas (Kaunas) – chef Artūras Naidenko.
 Modern Lithuanian cuisine

15. Mpnte pacis (Kaunas) – chef Ernestas Viršilas. World cuisine

14. Marche de Provence  (Vilnius) – chef Linas Barysas. Lithuanian and Mediterranean cuisine

13. Boff  (Vilnius) – chef Mher Gevorkjan. Steak restaurant

12. Sofa de Pancho  (Vilnius) – chefs Martynas Maciulevičius and Mantas Dobradziejus. Inspired by Mexican cuisine

11. Gaspar`s  (Vilnius) – chef Gaspar Fernandes. Modern cuisine inspired by India

10. Saint germain  (Vilnius) – chef Gediminas Švenčionis. French cuisine

9. Sweer root  (Vilnius) – chef Justinas Misius. Local cuisine inspired by seasons

8. IDW Esperanza resort (Trakų raj.) – chef Mickey Bhoite. Modern creative cuisine

7. Štrurmu švyturys  (Vilnius and Ventės ragas) – chef and owner Česlovas Žemaitis. Fresh fish restaurant

6. Momo grill (Klaipėda) – chefs and owners Vytautas Samavičius and Valdas Anusevičius. Grill&bar restaurant

5. Gastronomika  (Vilnius) – chef and owner Liutauras Čeprackas. Tasting dinners (fine dining) restaurant

4. Monai (Klaipėda) – chef and owner Vytautas Samavičius. Home food restaurant

3. Dine  (Vilnius) – chefs and owners Egidijus Lapinskas and Žilvinas Laurinėnas. Fine dining restaurant

2. Dublis  (Vilnius) – chef and owner Deivydas Praspaliauskas. Brasserie and fine dining restaurant

1. Stebuklai (Vilnius) – chef and owner Martynas Praškevičius. Grill&bar restaurant



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