Brand new visitor`s guide Wintertime diversity in Valmiera vicinity 2014

Valmiera Tourist Information Centre has created a new visitor’s guide "Wintertime diversity in Valmiera vicinity 2014" where one can find offers of versatile activities in the winter season in Valmiera City, as well as in Kocēni, Burtnieki and Beverina Counties.

The visitor’s guide is made for different target audiences, and there will be something interesting for everybody. There are offers of sightseeing, ways of spending free time for families, for lovers of active recreation, gourmands, art lovers and many more.

The visitor’s guide consists of several chapters. In the chapter "Real Winter Pleasures" you will learn where to find the best places for skiing, where to go horseback riding, or choose other active recreation offers. Information about concert and event venues, theatre and exhibitions is compiled in the chapter "Culture and Art World".

The chapter "Entertainment and Hot Night Life" informs about entertainment possibilities in Valmiera surrounding area – night clubs, bars and places offering musical evenings. The part "Pampering Oneself and Romance for Couples" gives information about salons, guest houses, rehabilitation centres and country homes offering warming-up and relaxing treatments.

The Chapter "Winter Delicacies for Gourmands" includes information about restaurants and cafes with special winter menus. The visitor’s guide also informs about farmsteads in Valmiera neighbourhood where one can learn a trade for personal development.



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