Live Riga named the Top-5 open kitchen restaurants in Riga

The concept of an open kitchen is sometimes poetically referred to as the emergence of the culinary dance into the open. Nowadays, the open kitchen philosophy has become something of a trend that involves an increasing number of restaurants around the world. Why? Because modern gourmets are not only demanding, but curious people - they like to watch their meal being "born" in a splendid show by famous chefs.

Which of Riga's most interesting open kitchen restaurants create a special atmosphere for their customers, transporting them to a delicious world of flavours and aromas? The TOP 5 open kitchen restaurants are presented by the Live Riga Foundation.

1. Aqua Luna

Located in Andrejsala and managed by chef Gints Aizupietis, this restaurant’s kitchen unites tastes from different continents and countries: from French and Italian classics to Baltic cooking traditions. Here you can order a smoked Irish 28-day-aged Black Angus steak or Mottra black caviar in a unique presentation. The restaurant makes fresh products and well-balanced meals its number one priority.

2. The Three Chefs Restaurant

This restaurant brings together three like-minded, popular and highly professional chefs - Mārtiņš Sirmais, Ēriks Dreibants and Juris Dukaļskis. The menu is distinctively local, laconic, seasonal and frequently updated, maintaining the interest of both guests and the chefs themselves.

3. 3 Knives

Chef Artūrs Taškāns, who has worked for several excellent restaurants in London, presents a new approach to culinary mastery. The menu is dominated by Nordic and Baltic cuisine featuring clean, distinctive tastes. The chef’s secret are Asian spices, which add a special flavour to traditional dishes.

4. Ostas skati

The chef Ingmārs Ladigs incorporates only seasonal and regional products on the menu and follows the best international and Latvian culinary traditions. The restaurant offers a fantastic view of the river, the harbour and the city. The atmosphere is low-key, with jazz music playing in the background. But the best aspect of a visit to this restaurant is eating a delicious meal for a great price.

5. "The Garage" wine bar

The Garage is a trendy place to enjoy a combination of great wines and delicious food. The atmosphere has a touch of artistic Boheme. Every day the menu features tapas, or small snacks, that are the perfect accompaniment to wine; while dinner offers a true culinary adventure designed by chef Jānis Jenzis.




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