Joe Cocker Hard Knocks Tour

„Till the end of the moment, when I’ll get satisfaction from connection with my audience and till the end of moment when on my concerts leads the cheer, till that moment I’ll be on stage” (Joew Cocker)

Joe Cocker looks back on 50 years of stage experience and enjoy every single concert. Now he starts his “Hard Knocks Tour 2010” with his new album from autumn 2010. It will be an amazing tour. Joe Cocker is in top shape and and is looking forward to sing the hits from the new album and of course the classics from his long career.

Joe Cocker offers his new show „Hard Knocks Tour” to all his hans in Baltic States in Arena Riga, on 30th of September.

Get your tickets now for the concert. The concerts are unique and unforgettable!

Econom class tickets price startes from 20 Ls.
Business class tickets price starts from 30 Ls
VIP class tickets startes with 50 Ls.

Joe Cocer’s new single “Hard Knocks” will be released on 23th of July, but album You could find from the 1st October.

Concert organizers say great thanks to there partners: JSA Europe,, LNT, MC Ābols, Narvesen, Petits, radio SWH and




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