Ghetto Museum to be opened in Riga

Riga will have a Jewish Ghetto Museum in the future, and Deputy Mayor Ainars Slesers commented to the press 2010.02.02, that it will be an "integral part of the city."

"If we don't know history, we can't shape the future. We must honor those who suffered and died. We can't forget the burden that the Jewish people had to bear during WWII," stated Slesers. Slesers, filling in for vacationing Mayor Nils Usakovs, and Menahem Barkahan, the leader of the "Shamir" congregation, signed a protocol of intent on establishing the Ghetto Museum.

"This museum will show how beautiful Riga is," commented Barkahans. Arkadijs Suharenko, chairman of the Latvian Jewish Community, said that the new museum is sure to attract many tourists. "This museum will show that Latvia is a multi-ethnic country, where anyone can feel at home," Slesers added.

The Ghetto Museum, a lasting memorial to Holocaust victims, is to be located in the historic Spikeri warehouses on the corner of Turgeneva and Krasta streets.




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