Latvian Ceramic Master Pēteris Martinsons audiovisual exhibition

Celebrating Latvian Ceramic Master Pēteris Martinsons (1931 – 2013) birthday, from January 24th to February 6th Mark Rothko Art Centre offers to watch audiovisual testimonies of artist and his created works. 

Last year, 2016, was anniversary year of Pēteris Martinsons 85th birthday, therefore Mark Rothko Art Centre organized a series of events, including The 1st Latvia International Ceramics Biennale – Martinsons Award. 

In celebration of January 28th, which is the artist`s birthday, Mark Rothko Art Centre wants to rise profile of artist`s legacy. Next two weeks in Rothko Centre`s video hall you will be able to see audiovisual testimonies of Pēteris Martinsons life, art works, thoughts and ideas. Audiovisual testimonies consist of 20th century newsreel fragments and documentary fragments from Latvia State Archive of Audiovisual Documents. In addition to the videos there will be exhibited artists’ works from the series of “Poltava Touches” (1976 – 1980). 




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