«Wine Studio» - a place to enjoy wine, conversations and art

"Vīna studija" (Wine Studio), located at 30 Stabu Street in Riga, offers a relaxed environment perfect to enjoy a glass of good wine, try some intriguing snacks, sit for a while to have a break from the bustle of the city, flip through a newspaper, or meet a good friend.

There are 800 wines from all over the world to choose from in the shop, you can take one along or ask for the bottle to be opened to taste it on the premises.

One of the missions of the Wine Studio is to present Latvian art to the visitors by hosting solo exhibitions. Helēna Heinrihsone’s solo exhibition "Fetishes" is on show from August 5. In her works, the artist plays with images – roses, stuffed animals, lips, breasts, and skulls, which reach out to the observer, making him or her also an image in a game that is played by the artist.




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