The highly anticipated Bodies Revealed was opened 18 of February in shopping centre Spice Home in Riga. Now seen by millions worldwide, the Exhibition features real, whole and partial body specimens that have been meticulously dissected and preserved through an innovative process, giving visitors the opportunity to view the complexity of their own organs and systems like never before.

“The educational impact of this exhibition is immeasurable,” said Dr. Roy Glover, professor emeritus of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Michigan and chief medical director for Bodies Revealed “For centuries, the medical community has learned about the inner workings of the human body through the study of real human bodies, and now it’s possible for the public to gain an intimate knowledge as well.”

The Exhibition takes visitors through galleries providing an up-close look inside the skeletal, muscular, reproductive, respiratory, circulatory and other systems of the human body. Many of the whole body specimens are dissected in vivid athletic poses, allowing the visitor to relate to everyday activities. In addition, authentic human specimens illustrate the damage caused to organs by over-eating and lack of exercise. A healthy lung is featured next to a black lung ravaged by smoking in a vivid comparison more powerful than any textbook image. The Exhibition will change the way people see themselves. It is designed to enlighten, empower, fascinate, and inspire.

The human body specimens in the exhibition are preserved through a revolutionary technique called polymer preservation. In this process, human tissue is permanently preserved using liquid silicone rubber that is treated and hardened. The end result is a rubberized specimen, preserved to the cellular level, showcasing the complexity of the body's many bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and organs. The full-body specimens can take more than a year to prepare.

Adults are 7 LVL (Sat-Sun 8 LVL), Seniors are 4 LVL (Sat-Sun 5 LVL) and Children (7-12) are 4 LVL, Family Pass (2+2) 20 LVL, Student (13+) 5 LVL. Entrance for children until age of 6 is free. Discounted prices are available to groups. Working hours: from 10 A.M. until 9 P.M. Monday till Saturday, from 10 A.M. until 8 P.M. on Sundays.





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