35th anniversary Riga Fashion Week starts tomorrow

From 7 to 11 October, the anniversary RIGA FASHION WEEK will be held under the auspices of sustainability and awareness. The eco-agenda will run like a red thread through the entire program — in collections, presentations, and educational seminars. About twenty local brands and foreign fashion designers will present the trends of the season.

Fashion Week will start on October 7 with the international seminar “Sustainable Fashion: Stereotypes and Reality”. The seminar program was based on the most relevant agenda of the fashion industry — environmental friendliness at all stages of clothing production — through the prism and practical experience of fashion designers.

“We have always been passionate about sustainability, none of the leftover fabric ends up in the trash bin, as it transcends seasons and collections. Since there is a physical store, we are able to sell one-of-a-kind garments made from leftover fabric and implement smaller fabric scraps in details such as buttons, gloves, bows etc.,” says founder of the Amoralle brand Inese Ozola.
“We order the fabrics for the collection from a supplier that follows the Green On initiatives and fair trade principles,” adds Unattached designer Una Pupola.

The marathon of RFW shows will begin with the presentation of sustainable fashion from Latvian brands QooQoo, One Wolf and H&M in the luxurious interiors of Grand Hotel Kempinski Riga. The debutants of the season — the Polish brand Szczygiel- and the local brand Unattached (designer — Una Pūpola) as well as a show of Hot Couture evening dresses from Volga Vintage will present their collections in the same place. On the same day, a designer from Uzbekistan Zuhra Ignat will welcome the guests in the Moel Bosh showroom, while Anna Led (Latvia) will hold her presentation in the atmosphere of a French cafe in Berga Bazars.
During the anniversary season, children's fashion will be presented in an international format, — the newest collections will be presented by the Lithuanian brand Julija Dremiene and the Latvian brands — Paade Mode, Tiny Bunny, Rock and Mouse.In addition, among the cultural and educational events of the fashion week, the screening of the film “Why are we creative?” will take place October 9th at the movie theater K. Suns. This documentary project by Hermann Vaske is an unprecedented collection of interviews with the leading opinion leaders of the 21st century, — from Marina Abramovic to Yoshi Yamamoto.

“As shopping center Spice is undergoing impressive changes towards sustainable development, we are pleased that the focus of RIGA FASHION WEEK is on conscious fashion, which is in line with the values of our shopping center and implemented projects,” says the director of shopping centers Spice and Spice Home Iveta Priedite. “This season, we are looking forward to the fashion show of Unattached Unattached’s Una Pupola, because last year Una received the Spice sympathy award with our subsequent support — participation in Paris Fashion Week and promotion of the new Unattached Office collection,” continues Iveta.

Selina Keer, Collected Story, Amoralle, Natalija Jansone, Iveta Vecmane and Nolo will show their newest collections on the main podium at Hanzas Perons. The Estonian brands Diana Arno and Ivo Nikkolo are among the foreign participants of the fashion week.

Fashion parties will take place at Digital Art House with the participation of DJ von Kubitz's (Latvia), Constantine (Ukraine) and Collab XXX.LV (Latvia) , as well as at A'Drop bar.

Riga Fashion Week is held with the support of a long-term partner, the Spice shopping center.

This season 35th Riga Fashion Week will be held from 7 to 11 October. The official sustainable development partner of RFW: Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA).

Follow RFW news on www.rfw.lv





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