Riga City Festival arrives like a long-awaited birthday present

Riga City Festival arrives like a long-awaited birthday present. For three days the city is filled with festive atmosphere, live music, and plenty of surprises. The multi-colored Riga summer season's closing festival is a reason for joy, offering also knowledge and sense of the city's history nowadays.

This year the Riga City Festival is dedicated to Riga's legends. Who does not know the legend about the Big Christopher who once lived on the bank of the Daugava River, helping people to cross the river? Or the legend about why you should never answer the question "Is Riga ready yet?" with a "Yes!" because as soon as this answer is received, Riga will sink into the waters of Daugava.

The streets, churches and ancient buildings of Old Riga carry many different legends and stories - traces of historical events, but a number of legends are also hidden in Riga neighborhoods, lifestories of famous and less known Rigans.

This year, celebrating the 818th anniversary of Riga, events, legends and lifestories of outstanding persons are revived in a kaleidoscope of the festive events, allowing to learn, feel and experience the rich history of Riga in versatile musical, theatrical, gastronomic and sportive events in the heart of Riga and its neighborhoods.

Full program of events with detailed descriptions of events - www.rigassvetki.lv/en





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