Tallinn then & now - everyone can be a rephotographer

The Tourism.tallin website is happy to announce new collaboration with crowdsourcing web and mobile application developer Ajapaik.ee. Each Friday you will find a new gallery of historical photos of Tallinn in their Facebook page VisitTallinn.

More and more historic photographs from the collections of both museums and archives but also from private individuals become digitised and available online. It is very popular to rephotographs historic views in order to create then and now picture pairs that exemplify how the environment around us has changed over time.

Ajapaik.ee is a crowdsourcing web and mobile application that asks everyone to help to geotag and rephotograph historic views from Estonian museums’ collections. To make it more exciting the activity is turned into a game so that participants get points for pinpointing pictures on the map and rephotographing on the streets. Still the main goal is to enrich photographs in public collections with the location metadata in order to make pictures searchable on a map.

If the users have done the geotagging on the web app then the next step is to go outside and try to reproduce the historic views. It is easier with the Ajapaik mobile app (currently only for Android) that displays the historic view semitransparently of the device’s camera stream so the history and present can be aligned in the most accurate way.

See more: ajapaik.ee



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