Human Rights Documentary Film Festival "Inconvenient Films" is an annual documentary film festival established in 2007. The mission of this non-profit initiative is to raise awareness on human rights issues around the world and to connect them to those that are present in Lithuania. By presenting various documentaries on main human rights topics, inviting filmmakers and activists from all over the world, organizers hope to encourage public debates on human rights issues and ways to solve them. Despite project’s social mission and non-commercial character, "Inconvenient Films" is one of the most popular and most visited film festivals in Lithuania.
"Inconvenient Films" is so far the only film festival of such profile in the Baltic States. More then 60 000 viewers visited festival’s educational screenings since its foundation. Festival organizers are aiming to broaden its audience’s and draw attention to social challenges, global and local human rights issues. It is a space for free thought, sincere discussions about subjects which really matter.
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