Vaivara Viewing Tower takes you 110 metres above sea level

Since the end of November, you can admire the Gulf of Finland, the beautiful landscapes of Vaivara Parish and take a look at the Sillamäe Town and Port and the border town the Narva from the Sinimäe Viewing Tower in Ida-Virumaa.

Ivika Maidre, Project Manager of Vaivara municipality, said that the viewing towers at Sinimäe have a long history and they have given Tornimägi (Tower Hill) its name.

“The new tower will be built on Pargimägi, which is 84.6 metres above sea level and the highest and the eastern-most of the three hills at Sinimäe.” The height of the tower will be 24 metres, so the Viewing Tower would take you almost to 100 metres,” added Maidre.

Maidre says that Vaivara Parish, which has 1,800 inhabitants and whose area is 400 square kilometres, is one of the very few administrative units of this size in the world that has been the site of two battles that are important in the history of the world. A battle between the Swedish and Russian armies took place there on 30 November 1700 and it was also the site of a battle between the armed forces of Germany and the Soviet Union during the Second World War from February to September 1944.

Fragments of three defence lines have been preserved on the site: the mound built during the Great Northern War, the third defence line of St. Petersburg from World War One and the Tannenberg Line from World War Two.

There is a theme park about the history of war in Vaivara that helps people understand and see history. It consists of an exhibition house, outdoor exhibits of military history and the hiking track that runs between them.

Accommodation and dining are offered in the Motel Laagna in Vaivara Parish and also in Sillamäe, Narva-Jõesuu and Narva.

Sinimäe is the centre of Vaivara Parish and it is located by the Tallinn-Narva road, 191 kilometres from Tallinn and 7 kilometres from the nearest town, Sillamäe.

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