Contemporary visual art, cinema and jazz will be presented in Vilnius

January 2009 marks the start of large-scale project ARTscape, which will present the contemporary culture scenes of European countries. Helsinki became the first European Capital of Culture of the 21st century, therefore ARTscape not accidentally starts its program with a representation of contemporary art, cinema and jazz scene of this most Northern European country. ARTscape is a part of national program „Vilnius – European Capital of Culture 2009“. The project is co-organized by some of the most qualified cultural institutions: Kino Pavasaris, Vilnius Jazz and gallery „Vartai“.

The art works presented in the exhibition in gallery „Vartai“ by Finish artists‘ Aurora Reinhard and Eemil Karila analyze imperceptible or consciously and unconsciously ignored everyday occurrences. Aurora Reinhard will not only show her provocative photography series „Teaser“ but also several video works where a slight motion of everyday objects expands an emotional amplitude of a viewer from laughter to discomfort. Eemil Karila will present his project “Seen / Unseen”, in which usual hierarchy of the art world is turned over and the invisible side of art institutions’ activities is revealed. In her latest video work „Byelarussian Wallpaper“ Lithuanian artist Jurga Barilaitė will gradually put into shapes the at first glance invisible elements of a surface. The exhibition will be open from 15th of January to 20th of February.

Films for the Finnish Film Programme were selected in attempt to have a wider view of Finnish cinema, therefore programme consists not of new releases but those of different year and genre. Aki Kaurismaki and his film “I Hired a Contract Killer” will be the main focus of the program. Films of such directors as John Webster, Susanna Helke, Virpi Suutari, Perttu Leppä will also be shown, all of them tell stories of ordinary people, living at the borders of society. Contemporary Finnish view of life realia will be introduced in a Short Film Programme “Everyday Spectacles”. Links between Finland and Lithuania were found in a Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian and Finnish co-production “The Bus”. Cinema program will be shown in „Skalvija“ cinema centre and gallery „Vartai“ free of charge.

Thirty-years old saxophonist and composer Mikko Innanen, one of the most prominent personalities on Finnish jazz scene, and his group „Innkvisitio“ present Finnish new improvisational music. In his music the expressive musician is trailblazing wide stylistic horizons from avant-garde classics to authentic blues and Dixieland, enriching his versatile sonorities with unusual turns that oppose conventional stylistic clichés. Paradoxical, original, open and free Mikko Innane & Innkvisitio bravely embarks on intriguing musical adventures. By joining this project Lithuanian saxophonist Liudas Mockūnas who has been successfully appearing on European improvisational music scene for almost a decade heightens the intrigue even more. The concert will take place in. In State Small Theatre of Vilnius on February 3rd, at19:00.

ARTscape is a large-scale interdisciplinary project, presenting contemporary culture of twelve European countries, the cities of which are, were, or will become European capitals of culture. Throughout the year 2009 gallery „Vartai“, „Kino pavasaris“ and „Vilnius Jazz“ will show to the audience most remarkable pieces of and artists of visual art, cinema and jazz.

More information on national program can be found here.

More information:

Jurga Zelvarienė
ARTscape coordinator
Tel. 8686 22528
[email protected]



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