Renovated Customs Museum opened its doors

On 7 May, the eve of the 89th anniversary of the establishment of the Lithuanian Customs, a renovated Customs Museum was opened in Vilnius.

Expositions reminding the evolution of the Lithuanian Customs history, its main developments have been arranged in the creatively reorganised spaces of the Museum. A part of the documentary and other valuable materials, accumulated from the first days of establishing the Museum, has been supplemented with exhibits acquired from different institutions and collectors within the renovation period.

The expositions of the Museum remind its visitors of the beginning of the formation of the Lithuanian Customs Offices` system, disclose the role of the inter- war Lithuanian Customs in the economic life of the state, tell of the first steps of the Lithuanian Customs re-established in 1990, of the rage of OMON troops on the border.

Unusual exhibits displayed in an exposition of the renovated Customs Museum reminding a sea container draw visitors` attention. This exposition is devoted to a particular area of Customs activities, i.e. fight against smuggling and other violations.

Lots of modern technologies (computers with touch-sensitive screens, digital video projectors, local sound systems creating heterogeneous cultural environment, etc.) were introduced on renovating the Museum.

Museum working hours:

I-IV 8.30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
V 8.30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Adress: Jeruzalės St. 25, Vilnius, ph. .


Entrance free.



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