«airBaltic» Pays Its Second Bond Coupon

In accordance with the bond calendar outlined in the final prospectus of the bond issue, Latvian airline airBaltic on July 27, 2021 has made already its second bond coupon payment to its investors in the amount of EUR 13.5 million.

Martin Gauss, Chief Executive Officer of airBaltic: “Back in 2019 the bond issue was designed to support future growth path of the company. We saw a dramatic change last year, but airBaltic’s core vision for the future remains the same – to be the number one carrier in the Baltics, providing the best connectivity to and from the region.”

On July 24, 2019 airBaltic placed a 200 million–euro issue 6.75 percent 5-year bonds. The transaction was well received by the international and local investor community, resulting in a final allocation to more than 100 investors from 25 countries and the demand for the securities exceeded supply.


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