Visit Cesis Medieval castle

The emergence of Cesis can be found in the distant past 800 years ago. Its origins are connected to the Cesis Medieval castle, around which in the 13th century a town was built. Over the centuries the castle shared its destiny with the city of Cesis in battles with Russian, Polish and Swedish troops. Repeatedly rebuilt and expanded the castle got its present architectural appearance at the beginning of the 16th century. The access to the castle was blocked by ditches and three broad castle - front, surrounded by strong stone walls.  The first serious damage the castle sustained was during the Livonian war, but at the beginning of the Great Northern war it was abandoned and never has been used for military purposes again. Today the castle is the most impressive eyewitness of local history, and also attracts many guests with its romantic charm of the medieval architecture.

With the map and candlelight taken from the tourist information centre of the castle, you can view the Western Tower, and also the living room of the Master which contains unique interiors dating from the 16th century with splendid stellar coves, vaulted consoles from artificial stone and fragments of wall paintings. From the attic of the tower a spectacular view opens to the other side of the castle, Castle Park, and the whole city of Cesis. Do not pass by the South Tower, which is the most magnificent tower from the outside.  If you go downstairs to the basement of the tower, you will be able to view one of the former dungeons of the castle.

The guided tours with Latvian, Russian, English or German speaking guides can be booked in advance by calling 64121815, or e-mailing [email protected].

Prices for guides: starting from EUR 22.00 (in Latvian) and EUR 29.00 in a foreign language (Russian, English and German).

Working hours of the medieval castle:

During the summer season from 1st May until 30th September every day from 10:00 – 18:00.

In the winter season from 1st October until 30th April– on Monday closed, Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 – 17:00, Sunday 10:00-16:00.

Ticket office closes 45 minutes before the end of the working hours.



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