Skiing Hill Lemberga hūte to open a long-distance ski-track

Winter cold and sufficient amount of snow has allowed implementing Aivars Lembergs' plan of long-distance ski-track, which will open to visitors on January 16 at 12.00 noon. The new ski-track, which is 1.5 km long, starts next to the service building, goes around the whole territory of the park and is meant both for classic and skate skiing.

Use of the new ski-track is free of charge. Vacations who do not have their own long-distance skiing equipment can rent skis at the rental store for LVL 3.50 an hour.
The long-distance ski-track will be open during working hours of the park (also when it's dark for the track is being lighted).

 Skiing Hill "Lemberga hūte" continues to operate downhill and snowboard tracks. There is a snowboarding park with trampolines and rail & slide elements. The snow-tubing track consists of two platforms where people can choose whatever speed and length of the run they prefer.

 To get latest information about Skiing Hill "Lemberga hūte" go to and follow the activities using the web camera.




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