Over four million passengers at Riga International Airport [1]

In the 10 months of 2010 Riga International Airport has welcomed 4 017 276 passengers or 16.7 percent more compared with the ten months’ result of 2009 (3 066 326 passengers) and almost the same number as in the entire year 2009 (4 066 793 passengers).

In October of 2010 Riga International Airport welcomed 428 891 passengers or 14.3 percent (53 785 passengers) more than in the same period last year when 375 106 passengers were served.

The trend of 10-month passenger traffic at Riga International Airport year by year:


In October 2010 the airport handled 5 864 aircrafts or 10.2 percent more than in the same month of 2009 when

5 320 aircrafts were handled. In the first three quarters of this year 58 000 aircrafts have been serviced or 14.9 percent up from last year’s result for the same period (50 489 aircrafts).

The airport handled 1 285 tons of various cargo in October which is 44.7 percent more than in October 2009 (888 tons). In the ten months of this year 9 991 tons of cargo were handled or 35.6 percent up year on year (7 367 t).




1 renee 11/19/2010 12:20 Vismaz kaut kur Latvija, Riiga ir liideris.


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