Latvia Travel on the best places in Latvia to enjoy a good view

The unhurried traveller can find the beauty of a particular location himself, but it is good to know the most beautiful and spectacular views of the country’s landscape. To assist the visitor in truly enjoying Latvia’s beautiful nature and scenery, sight towers, observation platforms and nature trails fitted with notes and complete information are set up in the most beautiful viewing spots.

Latvia’s Lauku ceļotājs "Country traveller" has created a map and guide with more than one hundred of Latvia’s most beautiful landscape locations with landscape viewing and bird watching towers, observation platforms, hill forts, hillocks, river valleys, sea shore, lighthouses, church and castle towers, and road sections with perfect landscape views.

Now, a short selection of some of the examples of such locations will be listed. A far-flung view of Slitere's forests, the Baltic Sea and, in good weather, of Sāmsala (Estonian Saaremaa Island) can be seen from the Slītere Lighthouse in Slītere National Park. The Šlītere Lighthouse is Latvia’s second oldest lighthouse, but one of the most beautiful views of the Baltic Sea is from the Užava Ligthouse.

The highest point of the Ziemeļkursa Highland is Kamparkalns (175 m above sea level) where, from a recently erected 28 m high sight tower, wonderful hillock landscapes can be observed. From Sabile’s Vīna Kalns [Wine Hill] opens a wonderful view of the Primeval Hollow of the River Abava and the small town of Sabile.

Not too far from Rīga, from the Ložmetējkalns sight tower, one can look out over the Maztīrelis bog and large forest massif all the way to Jūrmala. In the same area is the World War I battlefield where the Latvian riflemen courageously defended Rīga.  In Ložmetējkalns the memorial place of the Ziemasvētku [Christmas] battles, riflemen’s burial-grounds, old emplacements, subterranean buildings, and the Museum of Mangaļi, which is dedicated to the battles are located.   

Even though Zemgale is usually referred to as a flat land, a good view of the region can be taken from the sight tower in Tērvete, on the bank of the small river Tērvete, as well as from the steep Tērvete hill fort. Tērvete is definitely worth seeing because of the neighbouring nature park, which is a perfect walking trail both for grownups and children alike, and has interesting nature and historic objects, as well as wooden sculptures of fairy characters.

Rich in scenic views is the Gauja National Park. Numerous travellers admit that the most breathtaking view of the Primeval Hollow of the River Gauja is seen from the Tower of Turaida Castle. In turn, Turaida Castle, built from red bricks, pleases the eye from the other bank of the River Gauja. When in Sigulda we highly recommend that you try out the Panorama Wheel, Air Funicular, see the Gleznotāju Hill and the ruins of Sigulda’s Castle – you will not regret it!

From the observation platform situated on Ērgļu Cliff, a most impressive view of Latvia’s most imposing sandstone detritions, the Ērgļu Cliff, and the Primeval Hollow of the River Gauja, and from Zvārtas Rock you can see the wide and deep valley of the River Amata. Zvārtas Rock is one of Vidzeme’s most popular tourism objects.

You can get a bird’s eye view of Old Rīga from the Pēterbaznīca Tower – the observation platform is situated at a height of 73 meters above the city. Also, a particularly fantastic view of Rīga and its adjacent scenery can be seen from the 368 meter high Latvian Radio and Television Tower on Zaķusala – the highest TV tower in the European Union.

One of the most beautiful views of the River Daugava valley’s beautiful and pristine section (a view not affected by large hydro power stations) – “The Windings of Daugava” near Krāslava – is from the renovated Vasargelišķi sight tower. Additionally, from Elka Hill in the Vidzeme Highlands a wide view of Vidzeme’s hills and valleys opens, and in the distance the mystical and legendary Zilais Hill near Valmiera stands out.




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