LIVE RIGA names the Top 5 charming waterfront restaurants in Riga

It is long known that staying by the water is healing for the mind and soul, since it allows to rest from daily worries for a while. Isn't it pleasant to indulge in a well-prepared meal while enjoying the crystal-clear, rustling waves?

LIVE RIGA has summarized the TOP 5 most charming restaurants in Riga located by the water:

1. Aqua line

There is perhaps no better place in Riga to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, gaze into the sunset, dance under the starry night sky and admire the beautiful skyline of Riga. The wide variety of the menu will fit both those who prefer the classics, and those willing to try something new. One of this summer’s "bestsellers" is the smokey Irish stake "Black Angus" matured for 28 days. For more delicious flavours, order scallops with pickled daikon and wakame salad with sesame dressing. Fresh "Mottra" black caviar combined with fixings has proven to be ideal for celebrations. A popular desert this season is the rhubarb anglaise, whereas regulars have shown a great appreciation for the Peking duck salad and raspberry "Napoleon" cake.

2. Koya

This wonderful restaurant pampers you with a gorgeous view of yachts and cruise liners slowly passing by. Here you can indulge in oysters and fried sturgeon with a glass of good white wine. A beautiful view and quality food – and you suddenly feel at peace with the world.

3. Burkāns

The restaurant based in Old Riga near the Riga castle opens up a great panorama of Daugava river. Watching the gentle flow of the water and city silhouettes across the river bank, you can enjoy excellent dishes from Latvian cuisine, all of which are prepared from fresh local produce. Would you like to have a juicy chicken confit with a side dish of steamed red cabbage and creamed potatoes? Or a pumpkin sauté with sea buckthorn gravy served with a savory cheese pie? A rich variety of flavours in Burkāns restaurant!

4. Ostas skati

The name of this restaurant means "Port Views" in Latvian - from here you can see the river, port and the entire city. The atmosphere in the restaurant's premises is lightened up by jazz playing in the background, but most importantly – you can indulge in a meal for a fair price! The menu is comprised from local and seasonal produce which is prepared using the best Latvian and world traditions.

5. The Factory Restaurant (Fabrikas restorāns)

"The Factory Restaurant" stands in a location that was previously a plaster and cement factory. It welcomes you with a calm interior, creating a harmonious atmosphere for either holding a business lunch or a romantic candle-lit dinner. The menu merges the best of various world cuisines. Anyone can find something they like: meat-eaters and vegetarians, pragmatics and politicians, singers and dancers, lovers and priests. And suddenly it seems like the urban hastiness is left far across the river bank.

Riga Tourism Development Bureau (RTAB)

On October 28th, 2009, foundation Riga Tourism Development Bureau (Rīgas Tūrisma Attīstības Birojs – RTAB) was registered with the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia, by its founders – Riga City Council, national airline airBaltic, the Latvian Hotel and Restaurant Association (LVRA), and the Latvian Travel Agents’ Association (ALTA). RTAB will be engaged in tourism promotion and popularisation of tourism opportunities in Riga.

Of the distribution of votes by RTAB founders, 70% belongs to Riga City Council and 10% to each of the other partners: national airline airBaltic, Latvian Hotel and Restaurant Association (LVRA), and the Latvian Travel Agents’ Association (ALTA). The management institution of the foundation is its board.

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