Only concert of most important Spanish folk music group MILLADOIRO in Riga

 On 4th of June Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain organizes a concert of the most important Spanish folk music group MILLADOIRO in Riga. As result of cooperation of the Spanish embassies in Latvia and Lithuania Milladoiro will visit Vilnius on 3rd of June and Riga in 4th of June. Those will be only concerts in the Baltic countries.

Galicia is a green, rainy and mountainous region located in the northwest of Spain. An area topographically and climatically similar to other zones of the Atlantic shore of Europe – like Ireland, Wales, Scotland or Brittany – with which it shares a common heritage of Celtic culture that shows in a very special way in music.

Since the middle ages, Galicia has also been an important religious centre. From X century up to the beginning of XVII century, pilgrims from all Europe came to visit the tomb of the apostle Santiago which is allegedly located in the city of Santiago de Compostela, making this Galician city into one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the Medieval Europe. The pilgrims brought their musical instruments and their own music with them. The hallmark of traditional Galician music comparing to what is commonly meant by “Celtic music” is that there incorporate also other Germanic and Latin influences that are present in Galicia due to the “Camino de Santiago”.

The name “Milladoiro” is taken from the piles of stones that were installed by the pilgrims in order to mark the way of the Camino, and symbolizes this way of cultural exchange by which Galicia obtained and exported the elements that make up its identity.

The objectives of Milladoiro are to adapt the Galician musical folklore to the modern urban world. Their compositions are remake of the traditional music preserved in songbooks or collected directly from oral sources, interpreting them with a wide variety of more than 20 instruments in total - modern as well as the traditional ones. The final result is the music of Celtic origin and inspiration, original in its fusion of other cultural influences, and that makes a synthesis between tradition and modernity.

Since its origins in 1978, the group has offered concerts all over the world, has recorded more than twenty albums and soundtracks for movies and constantly searches for new ways to develop Galician music. Milladoiro is the leading exponent of the traditional Galician music, the Celtic music of Spain.

The Embassy of Spain is honored that Milladoiro accepted an invitation to visit Riga and play a concert in the capital of Latvia in the first semester of this year when Spain is presiding the European Union.

Concert will take a place in Sapņu Fabrika, Lāčplēša iela 101.

Concert starts at 18:00, entrance from 17:00.






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