Responsible travel opportunities in Latvia - support children by booking Riga Hotels and Tours.

As a travel agency committed to responsible travel and sustainability policies Blueberry Travel has proudly joined the social campaign, Lielie (literally meaning “Grown-ups”), whose main target is to support the University Children’s Hospital in Riga.

The project got its start via the well known social site,, with a goal to change the present situation of the children’s hospital in Riga. Selfless doctors with the help of kind, always mindful nurses take care of our kids here daily. Unfortunately, the premises of the hospital are outdated, and there is a lack of medical equipment available. The hospital is dilapidated and in need of repair, at night it is sometimes even dangerous due to the structural integrity of the building. Also, there is not enough space to accommodate parents of those children at the hospital who have taken ill.

The government of Latvia ensures the provision of basic needs – medicine and free medical aid for children. Meanwhile, things such as treatment and housing for parents of ill-affected children go overlooked, and the government does not dedicate any extra aid to these areas.

With social support, the project “Parents’ House” has been in development since August 2009. The funds to build the house have already been collected. The next step is to construct the house so parents can stay with their kids during their recovery period.

The main focus of this campaign is that each “Grown-up” can help kids in any way he or she wants. Whether it’s financial or moral support, we can make the place better when we join hands. Everyone is welcome to support the hospital with various goods which can be helpful to make the place better such as furniture, toys, office supplies, catering etc. No less important are the various activities which can make the gloomy atmosphere more colorful. Concerts, performances and volunteer programs can make a great help to boost the patients’ spirit while they wait in recovery. Time after time, various activities are organized around the hospital. Everyone can join!

“Grown-ups for children” is neither a social institution nor marketing campaign. It’s not even an intermediate to collect donations. Its main target is to inform the society about the poor situation and needs of the children’s hospital. The program wants to encourage people to help by implementing projects that are not supported by the Latvian government.

To support the campaign Blueberry Travel offers Riga travelers the opportunity to donate by booking Riga hotels, tours and activities via Booking Service Site ( A portion of each booking will go to support the program.

If you are interested in more information about the campaign please feel free to contact us!

With an aim to inform travelers about the program, we will publish “The Hot News from Grown-ups” on our site or blog frequently! So stay tuned!





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