The activity of travelers in Valmiera is increasing

In Valmiera tourist accommodation in 2019 increased by 9.95% in comparison to the year 2018. The total number of beds provided to tourists during the year has also increased by 4.61%, according to the statistics for the year 2019 gathered by the Valmiera Tourism information centre (Valmiera TIC).

In 2019, travelers from Estonia (25.23%), Russia (13.58%), Finland (12.81%), Lithuania (7.79%) and Germany (6.38%) stayed the most in accommodation establishments in Valmiera, as well as guests from Ukraine, Sweden, Great Britain, Poland and Netherlands. The amount of overnight stayers from Estonia has increased by 11%. The number has also incresed for guests from Russia, Ukraine and also South Korea. The longest stays have come from guests from Russia (24,80%), Estonia (11,68%) and Finland (8,05%), which is associated with various events taking place in the city, such as the Valmiera birthday festivities, Valmiera summer theatre festival, bicycle and cinema festival “Kino Pedālis”, Valmiera marathon, European BMX championship and other events of national and international scale.

As for the Valmiera TIC - in 2019 it’s been visited by close to 10 thousand people. Among the registered information requests, 80,53% of the people visited Valmiera TIC in person, 11,12% were callers via phone, but more than 8% communicated via e-mail or messaging on social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. Most of the visitors (89,85%) were still residents of Latvia. The largest increase in visitor amount was in the period from July to September.

According to the amount of information and the number of foreign visitors at the Valmiera TIC, guests from Estonia have been the most active – 38% of the total number of foreign visitors. The amount of Estonian residents among all foreign visitors is 35.78%. In addition to overnight accommodation or dining in the city, guests from Estonia also often visit various shopping venues in Valmiera, combining shopping with sightseeing..

In 2019 Valmiera tourism offer was increased with several new additions – the restored tower of the Valmiera St. Sīmanis church with the opportunity to observe the churche’s clock work, sightseeing terrace by the river Gauja, a place for masterclasses and a variety of dishes “Vīnkalni Pils Māja”, disc golf, entertainment centre for children “Brīnumu mežs” (“Forrest of Wonders”) and a virtual reality game room. Similarly to previous years, travelers have actively visited the Valmiermuiža beer brewery, Gauja Steep bank Park of Senses, wooden sculpture and labyrinth park in Beverīna, as well as have used the offers from Valmiera Drama theatre, Valmiera Culture centre, Museum of Valmiera, concert hall “Valmiera” and others to enjoy events of culture and arts, visited farms in the tourist destination of Beverīna, Burtnieki and Kocēni counties, as well as participated in active recreation and sports events.

Worth mentioning, that in the past year the amount of visitors at the tourism website (visited pages and unique IP address count) has also increased. This positive upward trend was also observed in previous years. In 2019, the number of unique visitors to the website increased by 14.57%.

Valmiera TIC is also active on social media platforms. The amount and activity of Instagram and Facebook followers has not only increased in the shared posts, but also in the 24 hour long stories. The most active people, that follow the visitvalmiera Facebook account, are from Latvia, Great Britain and Estonia, but in Latvia the most active cities in the aforementioned account have been Rīga, Valmiera and Cēsis.

As it is every year, travelers from Latvia and other countries are welcome to the largest cultural, artistic, sporting and other events in Valmiera. From July 24th to the 26th Valmiera will celebrate it’s 737th anniversary, from August 7th to the 9th Valmiera will host the already traditional Valmiera summer theatre festival, on June 13th in Valmiermuiža the summer ethno festival “Sviests” will take place, but on September 20th “Sportlat” Valmiera Marathon will welcome all those who seek a sporty and active lifestyle, meanwhile on October 10th there will be traditional “Simjūda” fair.

In April guests are welcome to visit the Valmiera Art days, for which this year the guiding theme is “Kustība” (“Movement”), the Valmiera Restaurant weeks, which will take place from from April 18th until the 25th and from November 7th until the 14th, as well as many other events in Valmiera and the Gauja National Park region.  

More information regarding the tourism statistics gathered by the Valmiera TIC is available at the website, section “Statistika”.





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