Europos Parkas implements a project to improve public accessibility of museums

Public Institution Europos Parkas is implementing a subproject on Increasing Public Accessibility of the Europos Parkas and the Liubavas Museum Situated in Rural Areas, financed by the Lithuanian–Swiss Cooperation Programme. The share of support and co-financing amounts to LTL 148,613, and the institution adds another LTL 26,226.

The subproject aims at contributing to the increase of economic and social cohesion by improving access for socially vulnerable groups in Vilnius Region to museums in rural areas.

The subproject will improve the institution’s material facilities and offer transportation services to visitors of the Europos Parkas and the Liubavas Museum. As both museums are located in a rural area, the subproject addresses a transportation problem which is particularly acute for society’s most vulnerable groups.

“I hope this subproject will bring the opportunity for more people to use cultural services, learn about art and cultural heritage,” says Gintaras Karosas, Head of the Europos Parkas.

Public Institution Europos Parkas, established over two decades ago, is the first non-governmental non-profit museum in Lithuania. The institution is constantly engaged in activities recognised both in Lithuania and abroad. However, due to the imperfect legal base, the museum does not receive regular state support. The main source of financing of the Europos Parkas is proceeds from ticket sales and services.

Public Institution Europos Parkas is turning an abandoned forest into an open-air museum of art and nature which has already become a part of Lithuania’s identity and a cultural heritage museum in Liubavas.



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