LIAA is offering news Latvian travel game «Attract Latvia close!»

In order to promote local tourism, the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) has created 16 Latvian travel routes with tasks. With the help of the tour game, residents will be introduced to lesser-known sights throughout Latvia and inspired to go on multi-day trips.

“Every year we prepare new tourism surprises for our residents and guests in Latvia. The travel game, which is supplemented with elements of erudition, new facts, as well as undiscovered nature and tourism objects, will be a surprise and adventure for all travelers this year, ”says Minister of Economics Jānis Vitenbergs, calling to support local entrepreneurs and their travel or new adventures to choose the tourist routes offered by Latvia.

Together with the adventure travel company "Postnos", LIAA has developed a Latvian touring car game for families and friends, covering a total of 16 car routes - thus exploring 3,500 kilometers throughout Latvia. Each object will be able to check whether it has been thoroughly researched by answering the quiz questions. In December, all participants will participate in a lottery with the opportunity to win a paid holiday in Latvia. In addition, the game is intended for both those in a hurry and those who would like to stay in each object longer. Each of the 16 stages also has checkpoints, where the tour of the started stage can be stopped and returned at any time convenient for you.

If it seems that the whole of Latvia has already traveled during the pandemic, then this game will prove that there are still many unknown and noteworthy places. For example, the Museum of Musical Instruments, the Snail Farm, the Puppet Kingdom, the Eglone Cognitive Trail and many more. On the various routes you will be able to enjoy both natural and historical sights, as well as walking trails and amusement parks, as well as not to miss the pleasures of all tastes.

“As part of other projects, we have explored amazing sights we want to share. The principle of operation of the game is simple and allows everyone to plan the length of the trip - a day, two or even a week. The necessary equipment is just a car, a company and curiosity, ”describes Valdis Vītoliņš, co-owner of Postnos.

The expected duration of the game depends on the wishes of the riders. If you drive fast and look at only a few objects, each of the 16 stages can be completed during the day. If you want to enjoy quality time with travel companions, visiting each point of interest and using local accommodation or other tourist services, you can travel around the region in 2-3 days.

Until December, the game is available free of charge in the "Postnos" app, by pre-registering on the website To find out more about the campaign, LIAA invites you to follow the Instagram account @latviatravel, Facebook accounts @atklajLatviju and @OtkrojLatvijuzanovo, as well as using the campaign theme #pievelcLVtuvplana. More information about the game here.


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