Code of Ethics

General principles: 

1. The editorial code of ethics of the Baltic travel news portal is a voluntary commitment of a journalist based on the basic principles of international journalistic ethics. 

2. The editorial code determines Internet media's operation, which provides media users with an opportunity to evaluate, criticize, and make suggestions to the portal's editorial staff. 

3. editorial competence is knowledge of tourism and mobility topics. The primary target audience of the portal are travelers, business representatives, and tourism industry professionals.


10 essential points of the editorial code of ethics:

1. Editorial core values: respect for human beings, reliable, verified, and truthful information to the public, personal rights, honor, data protection, a presumption of innocence, correct and lawful acquisition of data, thorough analysis and verification of information, scientific, medical and other sensitive information without editorial evaluation, inviolability of the source of information, professional secrecy of the journalist, separation of the editorial and advertising department.

2. The portal does not publish materials that promote intolerance, including those based on a person's race, gender, language, religion, political or other beliefs, or national or social origin.

3. By choosing the topics to be covered on the portal, ordering and publishing a wide range of content materials, the editorial office's main task is to serve the interests of society and the tourism industry by disseminating accurate information and promoting diversity of opinion.

4.   The editorial board actively invites travelers and specialists in the tourism industry to express their views, participate in discussions, and observe mutual respect and courtesy norms.

5. Media freedom of the press decisions on the portal's editorial content is made only by the editorial board, and financial and other supporters have no right to influence them.

6. The portal avoids conflicts of interest that could compromise editorial independence.

7. The portal is a reliable and verified source of news, so the editors avoid publishing exaggerated sensational news, rumors, and fake news.

8. The editorial office conducts investigative journalism on the topic of tourism and mobility.

9. The financial share of one advertiser may not exceed 10% of the annual turnover of the portal.

 10. The editorial advisor is the interest groups of travelers (clubs, associations, unions), Baltic tourism associations, tourism information centers, and tourism departments.


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