Latvia under the spotlights of the European travel agents and tour operators

The European Travel Agents' and Tour Operators' Association (ECTAA) and the Tourism Department of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) are delighted to announce a collaborative campaign aimed at promoting Latvia as an exceptional travel destination to ECTAA members and beyond.

24 May 2023. With its captivating blend of attractiveness, cultural and historical heritage, convenient traffic connections, compactness, and breath-taking natural landscapes, Latvia offers every traveller a unique and unforgettable experience. With this joint campaign, ECTAA and the LIAA Tourism Department aim to showcase the country's rich offerings to travel professionals, enticing them to consider Latvia as a preferred destination for their clients.

As a significant milestone in this partnership, ECTAA will hold its upcoming general meeting in Riga from June 7 to 9, 2023. This prestigious gathering will bring together travel industry leaders, decision-makers, and experts from across Europe, providing an ideal platform to promote Latvia and discuss strategies for mutual growth.
Following the general meeting, a post-event FAM trip will be organized from June 9 to 11, 2023, allowing participants to explore the wonders of Latvia first-hand. This immersive journey will showcase Latvia's picturesque landscapes, historical landmarks, authentic cultural experiences, and warm hospitality, leaving a lasting impression on all attendees.

Moreover, as part of this exciting collaboration, two informative webinars are scheduled for the year's second half, tailored explicitly for German, Austria, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. These webinars will highlight Latvia's hidden gems and unique selling points, providing valuable insights to travel agents and tour operators and enabling them to effectively promote the destination to their clients.

ECTAA and the Tourism Department of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia share a common goal of promoting sustainable and responsible tourism while encouraging the exploration of new horizons. This collaboration marks the beginning of a long-term partnership to strengthen Latvia's position as a must-visit destination among European travellers.




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