Outdoor Mineral Water Recreational Facilities in Birštonas Are Already Waiting for the Resort Guests

The resort of Birštonas famous for its mineral springs is preparing for the summer season. From now, residents and guests of the resort can again enjoy the wellness treatments in the Kneipp garden and the only in Baltics "Druskupis" graduation tower waits the visitors. For those who are planning to come to Birštonas we offer new mineral water route – every visitor should walk it!

"We see the growing interest of visitors of the resort to various routes - people want not just a pleasant walk but also something to visit and learn along the way. This year we have added an interesting mineral water route to our walk list. It is not difficult, suitable for family leisure – all objects can be leisurely visited in about three hours", – says Rūta Kapačinskaitė, director of Birštonas Tourism Information Center.

"Versmė" Sanatorium Buvette: Admire and Taste

Locals refers to this place simply as "Versmine"; this buvette does not attract attention with architecture delights – one would not be able to guess that the grey brick building has interesting interior decorated with marble and brass details. Next to "Versminė" one will see one of the most famous fountains of Birštonas with "Versmė" sculpture. "Versmė" water helps treating various digestive issues as well as helps to reduce the acidity of the stomach. Natural spring water should be taken within 5-15 minutes; it is not recommended to keep it for later use.

Yellow Buvette: Even President Antanas Smetona Tasted Water Here

This bright mineral water buvette not only adorns the shady park but also waits for visitors to taste the mineral water! This buvette has survived the Second World War, the ups and downs of the resort; it is one of the Birštonas symbols and one of the most popular places for photographing. When you taste water - do not rush! The most famous visitors of the well-room were Lithuanian President Antanas Smetona, sculptor Juozas Zikaras, writer and priest Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas, who named this water as the tears of Vytautas Hill, as well as many other Brights of the first Lithuanian Republic.

"Birutės Villa" Mineral Water Pavilion: Breath In and Relax

Time to relax! The pavilion houses a mineral water pool, fountain and water vaporizing wall - all this creates a unique, very healthy air. Get comfortable, close your eyes and breathe – you will feel how the lungs are filled with life and how the whole body is filled with energy. The recommended healthy duration of the visit is up to 20 minutes. This facility is open year round (except Mondays); entrance for visitors without fee.

Kneipp Garden: For Body and Soul

Revitalizing according to Sebastian Kneipp strengthens the entire body, tempers the body and soul, and strengthens the immune system. Sebastian Kneipp’s concept of holistic health is based on a system of five elements: water therapy, motion therapy, herbal therapy, harmony therapy and healthy eating. As per Kneipp’s philosophy in Birštonas a Kneipp Garden was designed for cold water application to temper body and boost the immune system. Follow the instructions and make sure to try all three procedures offered by this unique open space. Those who do not want to take off their shoes can sit on a bench and admire the beauty of spring garden. Kneipp Garden has been prepared to receive visitors and is already operational.

"Gintaras" Mineral Water Buvette

After visiting the Kneipp Garden, the route continues along the Nemunas River. In a few minutes you will reach Medical SPA Eglės sanatorija where the "Gintaras" mineral water buvette is located. This mineral water regulates gastric acidity, promotes secretion of gastric juice, reduces smooth muscle tone, reduces the inflammatory processes and regulates metabolism. Just do not overdo it –it is not recommended to take more than 200 ml of the water at one time. As well as in other buvettes, this water is also not suitable for later use.

"Druskupis" Mineral Water Graduation Tower

This is the only graduation tower in Lithuania; its visitors can enjoy especially healthy air with a "sea effect". Residents and guests of the resort have the opportunity to try open-air inhalation, enhance their health and temper their bodies. Mineral water flows down the original design tower walls and thus zone of air saturated with minerals is created within a radius of 50-80 meters. When it gets dark, the tower glows with different colours fascinating visitors even more.

"Sofia" Spring: The Benefits of the Dead Sea in Birštonas

Located beside Vytautas Mineral SPA, "Sofija" spring was found in the earth entrails in 1960s; its water contains more than 70 micro-elements and minerals. This water by its useful properties can be compared with the waters of the Dead Sea - it is the elixir of health, youth and vitality created by nature itself. In this special SPA center one should not only taste healthy mineral water but also stop by the unique library Vytautas Mineral SPA.

Visit Birštonas tourism information center for the route map and additional information or here.



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